Hygienic Emptying of Bagged Goods and Small Bags
Optionally with an Integrated, Fast-Changing Filter

The Bag Emptying Station LES is used for dust-free and manual emptying of bagged goods and other small containers in the production process. The use of this station reduces the dust load on employees and production rooms to a minimum. In the construction of the station, special attention was paid to cleanability and sanitary design. This allows the station to be dismantled quickly for cleaning purposes.

If the emptying station is not needed, the filling opening can be closed with a door. This wide opening door provides good access to the work area. The special construction with a gap suction in the rear area of the station guarantees an optimal dust extraction.

The emptying station is equipped with a bag support surface at the filling opening on which the bags can be slit manually. An inserted coarse grid prevents larger product clumps or sack residues from entering the product stream.

The dedusting can be carried out either by an integrated cartridge filter or by an external aspiration filter. In the design with the integrated filter, the separated dust is directly fed back to the product stream. When using the bag emptying station with an external, central aspiration filter, the station is equipped with a flanging flange.

The integrated, pneumatically cleaned cartridge filter has 4 to 8 m² filter area. The two filter cartridges can be removed and replaced with just a few hands. The filter is cleaned with a safety switch, only if the door of the loading chamber is closed. In order to generate the necessary vacuum, the sack emptying station must be connected to a suitable fan on the fan side.

The outlet funnel can be customized to the downstream plant section. For example with a flange for a Stirrer Lock type DSR.

  • Ergonomic construction
  • Dust-free emptying of bags
  • Hygienic design and easy to clean
  • Inside bag bearing surface with coarse grid
  • Cloasable filling opening
  • Easy replacement of filter cartridges
  • Material / hygienic design
  • Integrated filter and external fan
  • Central aspiration filter
  • Various dispensing and dosing devices
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