
From the first call until delivery of the finished plants and afterwards, you always will find a competent contact person at our company. The project manager of our engineering team is always available for you personally. Thus engineering becomes to the hub for the entire order processing. Sophisticated management systems and state-of-the-art technical tools are additional essential elements on the way to an optimal functioning plant.

Most of our customers’ tasks require a harmonious co-operation between different trades. Motivated employees support our partners with their knowledge. In this way, even complex requirements were solved to reach an optimal, practical solution.


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In our technical facility we determine the specific properties of your bulk material. We’ll test the process and components of the future plant. With these experiments using your products on industrial scale, you will see before how your system will work afterwards.

With the help of modern planning tools and 3D-CAD-systems detailed plans are created, both for the complete plant as well as for the individual components to be manufactured by us. In this phase we are able to react flexible to your spatial situation and to combine all components into a user-friendly, maintenance-friendly plant with a long service life.